Dave’s Faves Part 1 By: David Bergman

Dave’s Faves Part 1 By: David Bergman

This month I decided to highlight 3 of my favorite flies. I will break down what they are and why I like them in a little segment we will call “Dave’s Faves” there are a bevy of flies for multiple occasions and species. I will mainly be talking about my favorites for our area (western NC.) And I will be focusing on flies fished beneath the surface on a dead drift for this segment. We will switch it up every segment to keep things interesting. So without further a do, let's get into it.


Furry Foam Inch Worm

For those of you who have fished with me, you will know I like flies that are simple and effective. These cover that base quite well. One material is needed to make this fly and it crushes in these parts. Our forests are very green and with that comes caterpillars that mimic the environment around them. This pattern doesn’t just represent the classic inch worm, but also any kind of green caterpillar and more importantly caddis larva as well. The bright color also gives fish something that will catch there eyes in a fast current. The furry foam really gives it that variegated effect and just the slightest bit of movement. I prefer a size 14 in most situations, but in fast water with big hungry fish I would jump to a 10.


Hot Butt Soft Hackle

My love for soft hackles in general is deep. I picked the Hot butt because it posses just the slightest bit of eye catching effect without being unnatural. The little spot of red near the hook bend just does something!

I always fish some kind of dirty hackley tiny fly behind any of my nymphs. These can be dead drifted and than go into a swing for a deadly result. Its buggy leggy profile with that partridge hackle is effective enough, but add that little blood spot and you got pure magic. I exclusively fish these in size 18 or 20.




A versatile little fly that I classify as a nymph and a dry fly at the same time. Thise look like emergers and have a tiny bit of foam tied on as the wing case. Feel free to sink them with some split shot and then when you crawl up to that flat slow shallow water where fish are sipping bugs you can hardly see, take off the splitshot and fish this baby subsurface. Not working? Well grab the floatant and soak this fly, it can do it all! These can also be deadly on a swing. Its profile can work for stone and mayfly imitations. Grab them in multiple colors and fish them all day. I like these tiny 20-22

Come on in to Hendersonville Outfitters if you have any more questions. I love running folks through some of Daves Faves!

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