Trout and Bass Floats

We have teamed up with first rate guides from "Asheville on the Fly" Guide Service to offer the float trip experience.

If a wading trip is not for you, or if you ever wanted to see what it like to fly fish from a boat, we can take you to some of the most desirable float rivers in Tennessee and North Carolina.

These trips are great for summer time as well! When trout are put down from the heat on some of our wading streams, float streams can be a great option to get on the water. You can also have the opportunity to target Small Mouth Bass. These River bass put up a thrilling fight and live in many of our waterways. 

* We follow a strict 2:1 Ratio, (2 anglers, 1 guide) additional guides/boats will need to be booked for additional participants.


1 to 2 Anglers 

Half Day Float $450
Full Day Float $550